Title I

Title I Information
  • What is Title I?
    • Largest federal aid program in our nation’s school
    • Requires a high-quality education for every child
    • Provides extra help for those students who need it most
    • Makes certain Title I schools use strategies proven by research
    • Involves parents in their children’s education with ideas for assistance and choices
  • How does my child Qualify for Title I Services?
    • Academic need, not economic status determines which students receive extra instruction.
    • Because L C Hatcher is a school wide Title campus, all students receive services, but specific criteria is used to determine students with the greatest need.
  • How do schools qualify for Title I?
    • Must have above system average of students ‘living in poverty”
    • In GCDS free and reduced price lunch is used as the “poverty indicator”
  • What kind of services does Title I provide at L C Hatcher?
    • Tutorials
    • Extra academic materials
    • School Counselor
    • Computer assisted learning
    • Parent involvement activities
    • Extra bilingual support
    • Professional development to staff
    • Extra paraprofessionals to provide individual and small group instruction for reading and math.
  • As a parent you have the right to:
    • Provide suggestions and ideas for the development of the school wide Title I plan in a “timely and meaningful manner”
    • Receive information in an understandable format and in a language you understand
    • Conferences with your child’s teachers
    • Have your child’s test results explained to you in an understandable manner
    • Provide input and receive the Title I parent involvement policy annually
    • Attend an annual Title I parent meeting
    • Receive written notice if your child’s school becomes in need of improvement
    • Receive training in how to help your child succeed academically
    • Receive information on the qualifications of the staff teaching your child
    • Receive a description of your school’s Title services
    • Provide annual feedback on the success of the Title I parent involvement program
  • Highly Qualified Staff

    The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires that schools employ staff, including teachers and teachers assistants, who are “highly qualified” as defined by the law. In Mississippi, our state department of education has defined “highly qualified” as having the appropriate license to teach whatever subject a teacher is currently teaching.

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